A Better Way to Group Elements

A better way to organize these characteristics is to separate the Action Elements from the Decision Elements. The Eight Archetypal Character Types describe a specific pairing of Action characteristic to Decision characteristic. When we separate the sets, we cannot keep the Archetypal Character names as their contents are split. Nevertheless, it is much more useful to arrange the Elements by their similar natures rather than by the simple arrangement contained in the Archetypal Characters.

With 16 characteristics, we can create four quads of four characteristics each. This grows from starting with a Driver Character Quad and a Passenger Character Quad. We split each quad in two (Action Quad and Decision Quad), giving us four Quads. The resulting quads are the Action Driver Quad, the Decision Driver Quad, the Action Passenger Quad and the Decision Passenger Quad.

Motivation Element Quad

Action Driver Quad

Decision Driver Quad









Action Passenger Quad

Decision Passenger Quad









Using the Quads to Gain Meaning

In Dramatica, we call a group of four Quads a Set. Note how the set above provides added meaning. For example, when dealing with a problem of Action in terms of Drivers, one would have the choice to Pursue, Prevent, Help, or Hinder. When a Character represents the Drive to Pursue, it applies itself to achieving the goal. Although it may also want the goal to be achieved, a Help Character focuses its efforts on being useful to the Pursuit of the goal rather than starting its own effort. This explains the functions of and relationship between the Protagonist's Drive (Pursue) and the Guardian's Drive (Help).

Similarly, when a Protagonist' Drive is Pursue, an Antagonist's Drive is Prevent. And, of course, the Contagonist Hinders the Protagonist's Pursuit. In fact, when we consider all four Quads, we gain a precise understanding of why the Eight Archetypal Characters are created as they are and exactly how they relate

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