Dramatica is a theory of Story. But behind Dramatica is a whole new understanding of the mind's problem solving and justification processes. In fact, the model of the mind drawn from the intrinsic relationships inherent in stories form the basis of a theory of psychology called Mental Relativity.
Mental Relativity describes the mind's pattern making capability and explains in detail how and why we see such things as spirals in a seashell, a galaxy, or strands of DNA. Mental Relativity outlines the structural and dynamic relationships that form the matrix of self-awareness. Mental Relativity connects with low-level neurology at one end and high-level psychology at the other, bridging the gap between the biochemical functioning of the brain and the elusive essence of self.
Through Mental Relativity, insights are provided not only into story, but many other areas as well such as:
•Music: Predictive in controlling the emotional impact of melodies, harmonies, rhythm, and meter.
•Personal Problem Solving: Aids in prioritizing concerns and choosing a consistent perspective for all considerations.
•Interpersonal Relationships: Allows for adopting a truly objectified view of differences between individuals.
•Psychology: Provides an understanding of the exact mechanism for the creation and dissolution of Justifications.
•Quantum Physics: The mathematical equations and formulas by which the model operates hold meaning for the Uncertainty Principle, Tendency Theory, Synchronicity, and the connection between packets of energy and particles of mass.
•Biology/DNA: By providing a dynamic model based on frictals, a clear view can be provided of the processes involved in DNA triggering, and neural processing.
•Social Systems/Trends: All large-scale patterns that ebb and flow come into greater focus through frictal ordering.
•Astrophysics: Black holes and Quasars can be modeled in great detail using the same processes that describe the mental acceptance of givens in relationship to spontaneous creative thought.
Obviously many of these potential applications have not been fully developed. Some are only the promise of a theory that describes the mind's pattern making process. It is our hope that others more versed in these disciplines than us will see the potential as implemented in Dramatica and apply it to their specific areas of interest.