On the right side of the Character Generator window are options for generating characters.
Generate button Spins the model and generates or modifies characters. Revert button Undoes all character generation since opening the Character Generator window, and reverts to the Character List as it was then. Add New Characters pop-up Select from this pop-up menu to determine how many new characters you want to generate. Choices are: •None -- If selected, the Character Generator doesn't generate any new characters. Instead, it modifies the characteristics--gender, name, icon, character elements--of existing characters. •Random -- If selected, a random number--between 1 and 14--of new characters are generated. •1 to 14 -- If selected, exactly the number of new characters you specify here are generated. Modify Existing Characters checkbox If checked, your existing players are modified when you click on the Generate button. Unchecked, your existing players are not affected by the Character Generator. To modify existing players without modifying their gender, also select Off in the Gender Distribution pop-up menu. (Note: Selecting None in the Number of New Characters pop-up menu automatically checks this option.) |
Assign Character Pictures checkbox
If checked, your players are assigned random character pictures when you click on the Generate button. Unchecked, your players are not assigned random character pictures.
Gender Distribution pop-up menu
Select from this pop-up menu to determine how many characters of each gender to generate or modify. Choices are:
•Random -- If selected, generates a random distribution of male and female characters.
•All Female -- If selected, generates female characters only.
•Mostly Female -- f selected, generates mostly female characters and a lesser number of males.
•Even -- If selected, generates an equal number of male and female characters. If an odd number of characters is selected, distribution is alternated between male, female, male, female, etc. until the selected number is reached. The gender of the first character generated is taken from your selection of Default Character Gender in Preferences. If Neutral is selected there, the Character Generator defaults to Male as its first choice.
•Mostly Male -- If selected, generates mostly male characters and a lesser number of females.
•All Male -- If selected, generates male characters only.
•Off -- If selected, generates characters with the gender of your selection of Default Character Gender in Preferences. If Modify Existing Characters is checked, existing characters will not have their gender modified.
Assign Character Names checkbox
If checked, each generated character is given a name (appropriate to their gender) different from all other characters in your story. Names are taken from public records, specifically from recent national birth registration records. Unchecked, each new character is listed by number, e.g., Character #6.
Assign Character Pictures checkbox
If checked, each generated character is randomly assigned a new player pictures (appropriate to their gender). Unchecked, generated players are assigned the same generic, gender-appropriate icons.
Assign Character Elements checkbox
If checked, randomly assigns character elements to generated characters. These character elements are normally assigned by you in the Build Characters window, and can be changed there. Character Element options are set by the:
•Distribution slide bar -- Drag the slider left or right to determine whether your generated characters lean toward being Archetypes or Complex Characters.
•Honor Current Characteristics checkbox -- If checked, existing characters retain the character elements you have assigned to them. Newly generated characters are not given these elements, as they have already been assigned by you. Unchecked, character elements already assigned to existing characters may be given to new characters instead.
•Assign All Character Elements checkbox -- If checked, all 64 character elements are assigned to the combination of generated plus existing characters. Unchecked, a random number of character elements are assigned to generated characters.