How can we communicate essential concepts? Not in their pure, intuitive form direct from mind to mind. (Not yet, anyway!) To communicate an idea, an author must symbolize it, either in words, actions, juxtapositions, interactions, or some form or another. By symbolizing the idea, however, it becomes culturally specific and therefore inaccessible to much of the rest of the world.
Even within a specific culture, the different experiences of each member of an audience will lead to slightly different interpretations of the complex patterns represented by intricate symbols. On the other hand, it is accepting common symbols of communication that defines a culture. For example, we see a child fall and cry. We do not need to know what language he speaks or what culture he comes from to understand what has happened. However, interpreting the reaction to the fall may be culturally specific. We may experience emotions of sadness at the event. However, the author's culture may hold a child who succumbs to tears in low esteem. In this case, the differing cultural reactions inhibit communication of the author's intent.