Project Overview Upper Part

The upper  part of the Project Overview looks like this:



Enter the tile of your story in this text box.  The default title for new stories is "Your Story"


Enter the name of the document's author.  If this document is analyzing another's work, enter the name of the author of the source material.  NOTE:  The name of the analyst may be entered in the story Info window.

Total Players:

This reflects the number of characters that have been created in the Players window.  The minimum number is two.

Total Scenes:

This reflects the total number of scenes or chapters in the document.  Scenes and Chapters are created in the StoryGuide query system.

Storyforms Remaining:

Dramatica Pro has a total of 32, 768 possible storyforms.  The storyforms remaining indicator shows how many are left to reach the desired "1" storyform that best represents the story's dramatics.


Enter a one or two sentence description of the story designed to encapsulate the overall sense of the story and capture the reader's imagination.


Enter a brief description of the story.  The synopsis is generally one or two paragraphs in length.



Created with Help & Manual 6 and styled with Premium Pack 2.0