Earlier we illustrated how one could see four throughlines of Star Wars. Below are illustrations of Star Wars' four throughlines seen in terms of Domains.
Star Wars
Overall Story Throughline: Activity--Star Wars is about a war between the Empire and the Rebellion. There is not any set location where this needs to take place; rather it is an exploration of the feints, attacks, and battles that occur between the two forces.
Main Character Throughline: Situation--Luke Skywalker is a whiny farm-boy from a small desert planet. He has unrealized talent because his father was a Jedi, but everyone sees him as a kid from the edge of the galaxy.
Impact Character Throughline: Fixed Attitude--Obi-Wan Kenobi lives in the world of the Force. His attitude about the Force's power and impact, the existence of the Light and Dark sides of the Force, and the importance of the Force is unshakable.
Subjective Story Throughline: Manipulation--Obi-Wan clearly manipulates Luke through psychological means. He tries to pressure Luke to help him get to Alderaan, which Luke resists. Obi-Wan does not reveal the fate of Luke's aunt and uncle to Luke even though Obi-Wan is clearly not surprised when he hears the news. Obi-Wan purposely keeps Luke in the dark about his resources while bartering with Han Solo, hushing him up when Luke can barely contain himself. Obi-Wan keeps Luke under his thumb by doling out information about the Force, the Empire, the Past, and everything else. It is Obi-Wan who whispers into Luke's head at several critical moments, "Run, Luke, run!" and "Trust your feelings, Luke."