What are the Guardian and Contagonist?
Finally we come to the remaining pair of Archetypal Characters. The first of these archetypes is a common yet often loosely defined set of functions; the second archetype is unique to Dramatica. The first of these characters is the Guardian. The Guardian functions as a teacher/helper who represents the Conscience of the Story Mind. This is a protective character that removes obstacles and brightens the path ahead. In this way, the Guardian helps the Protagonist stay on the proper path to achieve success. Balancing the Guardian is a character representing Temptation in the Story Mind. This character works to place obstacles in the path of the Protagonist, and to lure it away from success. Because this character works to hinder the progress of the Protagonist, we coined the name "Contagonist."
Contagonist: "Whose side are you on?"
Because the Contagonist and Antagonist both have a negative affect on the Protagonist, they can easily be confused with each other. They are, however, two completely different characters because they have two completely different functions in the Story Mind. Where the Antagonist works to stop the Protagonist, the Contagonist acts to deflect the Protagonist. The Antagonist works to prevent the Protagonist from making further progress, the Contagonist works to delay or divert the Protagonist for a time.
As with the Sidekick, the Contagonist allies itself with either the Antagonist or the Protagonist. Often, Contagonists are cast as the Antagonist's lackey or second-in-command. However, Contagonists sometimes attached themselves to the Protagonist, where they function as a thorn in the side and bad influence. As a pair, Guardian and Contagonist function in the Story Mind as Conscience and Temptation. They provide both a light to clarify the proper path and the enticement to step off it..