There are Overall Story Throughline story points, Main Character story points, Impact Character story points and Subjective Story Throughline story points. There are even story points that are the synthesis of all four points of view such as Goal, Requirements, and Consequences. These central story points seem the most plot-like because they affect the Concerns of all four throughlines.
As varied as all of these story points are, there is one quality they share: They stay the same from the beginning to the end of a story. For example, if a story's Goal is Obtaining, that never changes during the story. If the Main Character's Problem is Logic, then Logic is always that character's Problem from "Once upon a time" to "They all lived happily ever after." True, the Main Character may solve his Problem, but he will never magically stop being driven by one kind of Problem and start being driven by another. We call Story Points of this stable nature "Static Story Points."
Static Story Points are thematic in nature because they form a bias or commentary on the story as a whole. Even the eight Plot Story Points have a Theme-like feel to them, for they describe what the plot is about. But there is more to plot that this. In fact, there is a different kind of story point that moves from one issue to another as a story develops. These are called Progressive Plot Points. Through them the story explores the series of events in the Overall Story Throughline. They reveal the growth of the Main Character and the changing nature of the Impact Character's impact. They also show the developing relationship of the Main and Impact Characters in the Subjective Story Throughline.
We can see that each of the four throughlines has, in a sense, a plot of its own, yet they all affect one another in some consistent manner. What is it that makes them separate, yet binds them? A good way to get a feel for this kind of relationship is to think of a story as a football game covered by four different referees. The "real" plot of the game is the series of events that take place on the field. Not one of the four referees can see all the events, for each can only see what is visible from his position. A referee on the opposite side of the field might see interactions that were masked or hidden from the first position, whereas the first referee might report activities not visible from the other side.
Based on what he believes to be happening from his position, each of the referees calls penalties or allows play to continue. Often, the other referees will simply accept that judgment and play will continue. Occasionally though, two or more referees will disagree about what happened simply because the events looked different from each of their perspectives. In this case, the umpire steps in to moderate the referees and settle what the call should be, even if he did not see the play himself.
In stories, each throughline is like one of these referees. Each provides an angle on the events of the story as they unfold. When something appears unfavorable from one of those points of view, the characters in that Throughline cry foul and invoke a penalty to alter the course of action. Each of the throughlines is affected by the series of events that occur, and conversely, each throughline can have an impact on the course of future events. This is how all four throughlines have plots of their own yet affect one another. And, just as the umpire must sometimes step in to settle disagreements, so the author steps in to side with one throughline or another and allow a penalty or revoke it.
In the end, we never see the true plot of the story directly. We see it synthesized as the result of all four throughline plots considered. As Taoist philosophy would explain it, "The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao." As Dramatica would have it, "The plot that can be seen is not the actual plot."
How then shall we know what must happen in a story's plot? This we can learn by examining the workings of the Progressive Story Points that occur in each throughline. In this manner, we can plot the events as seen from each point of view. The synthesis of these into a single understanding of the story's central plot is what occurs in the minds of our audience members as the plots unfolds.