Report Preferences


Click on the Reports icon to bring up the report preferences.


Report Preferences:

Printing Margins controls: Enter values for your report margins: Top, Bottom, Left, and Right--adjustable in units of 1/100th of an inch.

Number of Columns pop-up: Select from: 1, 2, or 3 columns of text in your report.

Header text box: Enter the text, along with Substitution codes and Justification codes, for the Headers in Dramatica's printed reports. Header text displays Left-justified, unless you indicate otherwise.

Footer text box: Enter the text, along with Substitution codes and Justification codes, for the Footers in Dramatica's printed reports. Footer text displays Left-justified, unless you indicate otherwise.

Header/Footer Justification Codes

If you type:

Dramatica justifies your text:



^| (|" = shift-backslash)




Justification Codes affect the text directly to the left of them. As an example, the default Dramatica Footer text of:

Dramatica ^V^<- ^P -^|^D^>

prints as:

Dramatica 5.0 - 1 - Mon Jul 2, 13:12:35 2012

Header/Footer Substitution Codes

If you type:

Dramatica substitutes:

^A or ^a

Author of story

^D or ^d

Date and Time

^P or ^p

Page number

^R or ^r

Report name

^T or ^t

Title of story

^V or ^v

Version number of Dramatica


The caret character (^)

Created with Help & Manual 6 and styled with Premium Pack 2.0