The Dramatica Structural Model
The Dramatica Structural Matrix is a framework for holding dramatic topics. These topics are pertinent to Genre, Plot, Theme, and Character and describe their effect on one another. During the process of storyforming, these topics (called "themantics") are re-arranged much as a Rubik's cube might be scrambled, all in response to the author's choices regarding the impact they wish to have on their audience. As a story unfolds, the matrix unwinds, scene by scene and act by act until all dramatic potentials, both large and small have been completely explored and have fully interacted.
4 Classes
16 Types
Situation Types Activity Types
Manipulation Types Fixed Attitude Types
64 Variations
Situation Variations Activity Variations
Manipulation Variations Fixed Attitude Variations
64 Elements
Purpose Elements Evaluation Elements
Motivation Elements Methodology Elements