Structural Semantic Items




The following is an alphabetical list of the semantic items that appear in the structural part of the Dramatic model. The items have been subdivided into four parts based on their structural nature: Classes, Types, Variations, and Elements.

Classes (Throughlines)

1. Activity (Physics)

2. Fixed Attitude (Mind)

3. Manipulation (Psychology)

4. Situation (Universe)


Types (Concerns)

1. Changing One's Nature (Becoming)

2. Playing A Role (Being)

3. Conceiving An Idea

4. Developing A Plan (Conceptualizing)

5. Contemplation (Conscious)

6. Doing

7. The Future

8. Learning

9. Memory

10. Obtaining

11. The Past

12. Impulsive Responses (Preconscious)

13. The Present

14. How Things Are Going (Progress)

15. The Innermost Desires (Subconscious)

16. Understanding


Variations (Issues)

1. Ability

2. Analysis

3. Appraisal

4. Approach

5. Attempt

6. Attitude

7. Attract

8. Choice

9. Circumstances

10. Closure

11. Commitment

12. Conditioning

13. Confidence

14. Deficiency

15. Delay

16. Denial

17. Desire

18. Destiny

19. Doubt

20. Dream

21. Enlightenment

22. Evidence

23. Expediency

24. Experience

25. Fact

26. Falsehood

27. Fantasy

28. Fate

29. Hope

30. Instinct

31. Interdiction

32. Interpretation

33. Investigation

34. Knowledge

35. Morality

36. Need

37. Obligation

38. Openness

39. Permission

40. Preconception

41. Preconditions

42. Prediction

43. Prerequisites

44. Rationalization

45. Reappraisal

46. Repel

47. Responsibility

48. Security

49. Self-Interest

50. Sense of Self

51. Senses

52. Situation

53. Skill

54. State of Being

55. Strategy

56. Suspicion

57. Thought

58. Threat

59. Truth

60. Value

61. Wisdom

62. Work

63. Worry

64. Worth


Elements (Problems)

1. Ability

2. Acceptance

3. Accurate

4. Actuality

5. Avoid

6. Aware

7. Cause

8. Certainty

9. Change

10. Chaos

11. Conscience

12. Consideration

13. Control

14. Deduction

15. Desire

16. Determination

17. Disbelief

18. Effect

19. Ending

20. Equity

21. Evaluation

22. Expectation

23. Faith

24. Feeling

25. Help

26. Hinder

27. Hunch

28. Inaction

29. Induction

30. Inequity

31. Inertia

32. Knowledge

33. Logic

34. Non-acceptance

35. Non-accurate

36. Oppose

37. Order

38. Perception

39. Possibility

40. Potentiality

41. Proaction

42. Probability

43. Process

44. Production

45. Projection

46. Protection

47. Proven

48. Pursuit

49. Reevaluation

50. Reaction

51. Reconsideration

52. Reduction

53. Result

54. Self-Aware

55. Speculation

56. Support

57. Temptation

58. Test

59. Theory

60. Thought

61. Trust

62. Unending

63. Uncontrolled

64. Unproven

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