Who are WE and what are WE doing?

When considering the Subjective Story perspective, it is best to use the first person plural ("We") voice to evaluate the Classes. We refers to the Main and Impact Characters collectively.


If the Subjective Story's Throughline is Situation (for example The Ghost & Hamlet's pact in Hamlet or Reggie & Marcus' alliance in The Client), consider asking: What is it like to be in our situation? What is our status? What condition are we in? Where are we going to be in the future? What's so special about our past?


If the Subjective Story's Throughline is Activity (for example George & Martha's game in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?): What are we involved in? How do we get what we want? What must we learn to do the things we want to do? What does it mean to us to have (or lose) something?


If the Subjective Story's Throughline is Fixed Attitude (for example Frank & Laura's affair in The Verdict or Dr. Kimble & Sam Gerard's relationship in The Fugitive): What are we afraid of? What is our opinion? How do we react to that? How do we feel about this or that? What is it that we remember about that night?


If the Subjective Story's Throughline is Manipulation (for example Obi-Wan & Luke's relationship in Star Wars): Who are we really? How should we act? How can we become different people? Why are we so angry, or reserved, or whatever? How are we manipulating or being manipulated?

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