When considering the Impact Character's perspective, it is best to use the second person singular ("You") voice to evaluate the Classes. Imagine this as if one is addressing the Impact Character directly, where You" is referring to the Impact Character.
•If the Impact Character's Throughline is Situation (for example Marley's Ghost in A Christmas Carol), you might ask him: What is it like to be in your situation? What is your status? What condition are you in? Where are you going to be in the future? What's so special about your past?
•If the Impact Character's Throughline is Activity (for example Jim in The Glass Menagerie or Booth in In The Line of Fire): What are you involved in? How do you get what you want? What must you learn to do the things you want to do? What does it mean to you to have (or lose) something?
•If the Impact Character's Throughline is Fixed Attitude (for example Obi-Wan in Star Wars or Martha in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?): What are you afraid of? What is your opinion? How do you react to that? How do you feel about this or that? What is it that you remember about that night?
•If the Impact Character's Throughline is Manipulation (for example Laura Fisher in The Verdict or Sam Gerard in The Fugitive): Who are you really? How should you act? How can you become a different person? Why are you so angry, or reserved, or whatever? How are you manipulating or being manipulated?