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Movie Magic Screenwriter



Enable Quick Entry --When checked, QuickType is enabled. QuickType lets you speed

text entry by using many different keyboard entry . Unchecked, QuickType is


Auto Pop-Up Locations—If checked, QuickType automatically pops up the Unique Locations List after you enter Scene Heading Initial Text (e.g., INT.) Unchecked, you need to press RETURN to display the list.

Auto Pop-Up Time of Day—If checked, QuickType automatically pops up the Time-of-Day List after you enter Location text (e.g., LAURA'S APARTMENT) from a pop-up Locations List. Unchecked, you need to press RETURN to display the list.

Auto Pop-Up List of Character Names—If checked, pops up a List of all Character Names in the document when pressing RETURN is the first activity in a Character Name element.