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Movie Magic Screenwriter

With QuickType enabled, pressing Tab or Enter in one element either moves you to a new default element or displays a List menu of available options:

If you Type—

QuickType will—


or any Transition

Display Scene Heading Initial Text menu (INT., EXT., etc.).



If you Press ENTER while in—

QuickType will—

Blank Action,


blank Scene Heading,

Scene Label,

or End of Act

Display Scene Heading Initial Text menu (INT., EXT., etc.).

Scene Heading

without Location

Display a List Menu of all unique Locations already in the script.

Scene Heading

with Location

Display a List Menu of Time-of-Day (DAY, NIGHT, etc.).

End of Action

Add another Action Element.

Character Name

Add a Dialogue Element

(If the next element is Dialogue or Parenthetical, it moves to the beginning of that element).

End of Dialogue*

Add an Action Element.

Middle of Dialogue*

Break the Dialogue and insert an Action Element.


Add a Dialogue Element

(if the next element is Dialogue, it moves to the beginning of that element).

* If Enter in Dialog takes you to Character is checked on the Text Entry/Editing page of the Tools > Options... window , a Character Name element will be inserted instead.

If QuickType is not enabled, these drop-down lists can be displayed manually by pressing the appropriate Control key combination:

If you Press—

While in—

QuickType will—


Any element

Add a Scene Heading element.


Any element

Add a Scene Heading element beginning with "INT.".


Any element

Add a Scene Heading element beginning with "EXT.".


Any element

Add a Shot element.


Blank Shot element

Display a List Menu of Shots (ANGLE ON, etc.).


Any element

Add an Action element.


Action or Dialogue element

Display a List Menu of existing Character Names.


Any element

Add a Character Name element.

SHIFT+9  "("

Character Name element

Display a List Menu of Character Extensions (V.O., O.S., etc.).

SHIFT+9  "("

Dialogue element

Add a Parenthetical element.


Any element

Add a Transition element.


Blank Transition element

Display a List Menu of Transitions (CUT TO:, etc.).


Any element

Add a Note.

** If Tab in Dialogue takes you to Parenthetical is checked on the Text Entry/Editing page of Program Options under the File menu, Tab creates a Parenthetical element when in a Dialogue element.