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Movie Magic Screenwriter

Breakdowns can be sorted before printing, using Primary and Secondary Sort criteria:

Sort Breakdown Primarily by...

Script Order—Prints a breakdown of all scenes in the order they appear in the document (without any sorting).

Interior VS. Exterior—Lists all the EXT. scenes, followed by all the INT. scenes.

Location—Lists by Location in alphabetical order, grouping all scenes that take place in the same Location.

Time-of-Day—Lists by Time-of-Day in alphabetical order, grouping all scenes that have the same Time-of-Day.


All—Lists Every Character Name in the document in alphabetical order, followed by the scenes they're in (whether they have dialogue or not).

Some—Lists Selected Character Names in alphabetical order, followed by the scenes they're in (whether they have dialogue or not).  Checking this radio button and pressing OK brings up a Select Names screen.  Click on a name to select it, and Double-Click on the top bar of the Select Names screen to return to the Production Breakdowns menu.

NOTE:  If you select any Primary sort other than Script Order, Time-of-Day Normalization is performed—any scene that ends with CONTINUOUS, LATER, or SAME TIME is automatically given the previous Scene Heading's Time-of-Day.

Movie Magic Scheduling (File)—Prints a breakdown to disk, saving it as a Movie Magic Scheduling import file.  It contains the Scene Number, Scene Heading, and Starting Page Number and page count in Eighths of a page.  Options under Secondary Sort and Miscellaneous is grayed out and unselectable.

Script Breakdown Sheets—Prints breakdown sheets that include any items you have tagged in Breakdown Tagging.  Checking this radio button and clicking on the OK button displays the:

Production Breakdowns scene selection screen—here you can enter the Production Company name and Production Title/No. to print on the breakdown sheets, and select which scene breakdowns to print:

Selected Scenes ONLY—If checked, only breakdowns for the scenes you select by clicking on them are printed.

All Scenes—If checked, breakdowns for all scenes in the document are printed.

All Scenes except OMITTEDs—If checked, breakdowns for all scenes except those deleted and marked with an OMITTED are printed.

Setup Breakdown Sheet—Clicking on this button displays the Breakdown Sheet Layout screen.  Category headings on the windows can be renamed by highlighting the name (CAST, STUNTS, etc.) and typing in your preferred name.  Categories of tagged items (Cast Members, Greenery, Vehicles, etc.) can be moved between Category windows by dragging and dropping.  Click on OK to exit and save your changes, Cancel to discard changes and exit.