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Setting up Outline hierarchy and styles

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The Default.def template (used to create a new file automatically) already contains commonly used outline elements for a screenplay (Sequence and Beat).

To add, remove or change Outline styles, open up the Format > Element Styles (ALT+M) window and choose Outline from the list of buttons on the right.

Adding an Outline style


Click on the "Add Outline Style" button.


This will create a style called "New Style" that will be placed above the Scene Heading level, which is where outline elements are commonly used.


To change the name of the style, double click on the name "New Style", type in the new name and press RETURN.

Deleting an Outline style


Select the style you wish to delete.


Click on the "Delete Outline Style" button.


If prompted, click Yes to confirm.

The style will be removed and any existing elements using that style will be converted to Notes.

Editing an Outline style


Select the Outline style in the list.


Next to the name of the Outline style, set how the Outline style displays in the NaviDoc and in the document.

Print—enabled or disabled; controls whether the element will print when the document is printed.

Frame—type of line drawn around that outline element in the document (None, Dotted, Gray, Thin Solid, Thick Solid, Groove)

Text color

Background color


At the top of the window, you can change the following formatting parameters for the selected Outline style:

Left and Right margins (in inches)

Justified text

Line Spacing (# of lines before and within the Outline element)

Style of text (ALL CAPS, Bold, Italicized, Underline)


Setting up Outline structure

The Outline style levels can be configured by dragging and dropping them into the appropriate place in the hierarchy or using the Up, Down, Left and Right buttons to move or promote/demote them.

If Scene Headings are included in the outline, the lowest level at which an element can be set is a child of a Scene Heading.  All outline styles that are children of Scene Headings are at the same level (siblings).