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Movie Magic Screenwriter

In the Scenes panel, you can choose the order in which the scenes are displayed in the Scenes panel.  Sorting scenes does not affect the document.

Sorting Scenes


Click on File > Open and open “Screenplay Sample” in the Sample Files folder.


Click on the Scenes panel in the NaviDoc (CTRL+2).


Click on the Sort Scenes button on the Scenes panel.

mac-tut-17   mac-tut-18

There are four ways to sort the scenes:

Scene Number—Shows the scenes in the Scenes panel in script order.

INT./EXT.—Groups scenes by their initial scene text of INT. (interior) or EXT. (exterior).

Location—Groups scenes alphabetically by their location (e.g. BOB’S CAFÉ, then CAROL’S APARTMENT, etc.).

Time-of-day—Groups scenes alphabetically by their time-of-day (e.g., DAY, then EVENING, then NIGHT, etc.).


Click on each option to see how it changes the way scenes are displayed in the Scenes panel.