The Export to Screenwriter command exports two kinds of information from Dramatica to Movie Magic Screenwriter (a full-featured word processing program for formatting scripts):
•The Acts/Scenes/Chapters you created in the Storyweaving stage.
•Character Information.
Specifically, these items are exported from Dramatica:
•Story Title.
•Character Names.
•Character Descriptions.
•Scene Names.
•Scene Descriptions.
•Storyweaving story points and illustrations.
To Export to Movie Magic® Screenwriter:
1.Open the file you want to export from.
2.Click on the Reports icon in the icon tool bar.
In the Project menu, select Report.
While in the Reports window, select Report from the Project menu.
At the Export to Screenwriter window, select a folder to save the export file to, and give it a name. (The Dramatica export file is given the extension .dsw.) Click on the Save button.
A Dramatica export file is saved.
To Import from Dramatica into Movie Magic Screenwriter:
1.Open Movie Magic Screenwriter.
2.Under the File Menu, select Open.
3.At the Open File window, click on the Files of type: pop-up menu. Scroll down the list and select Dramatica Exchange.
4.If you're importing a file exported from Dramatica for MacOS, select All Files (*.*).
5.If you saved the Dramatica export file to another folder, click on the Look in: window to browse for it. When you find it, double-click on it to load it.
The following Dramatica scene and character information is loaded into a new Movie Magic Screenwriter file:
Story Title--loads as a Centered Title element, the first item in the Screenwriter file.
Character Name and Description--loads as an Action element, at the beginning of the file.
Character Name--loads into Screenwriter's User List as a Character Name element. Shows up for quick entry from pop-up menus by pressing Tab, and can be entered into your script by typing the first letter or two.
Scene Label--loads as a Scene Heading, or slugline, at the beginning of each scene. Taken from the Storyweaving/Scene Creation part of the Query System.
Scene Description--loads as an Action element, describing the activities occurring in a scene. Taken from the Storyweaving/Scene Creation part of the Query System.
Story Point--loads as a Script Note element after its associated scene, to remind you of the thematic elements you've decided to include in that scene. Illustrating, how you've decided to show that element in your story, is included. Can be easily converted to an Action element to become part of the scene. Taken from the Storyweaving/ Scene Creation/This Scene Represents part of the Query System.