General Story Information

There are four parts to the Story Information window:

General Information

Comments and Sources

Overall Story Information

Relationship Story Information


The general information part of the Story Info window appears in the upper left portion of the window:




Most of fields are obvious:




Enter the title of your story.  Having at least a working title helps you start your story, even if you change it later.


Enter name or names of the author(s) here.  If you are creating a story, authorship is usually clear.  However, there may be several "authors" who have a hand in the creative process of analyzing a story.


Indicate the period or periods of time in which the story takes place.


Identify the genre or genres of the story, e.g. Romantic Comedy, Buddy Picture, Musical, Action-Adventure, etc.


Identify the location or locations in which the story takes place.  Many of the potential storytelling scenarios used to illustrate dramatic points can be limited and inspired by the setting(s)..


Enter the number of the draft of this project, e.g. first, second, final, etc.


Enter the name of the editor or editors of the story analysis.

Analysis by:

Enter the name, or names, of all those who have contributed to an analysis the story.


Choose the type of format intended for the story within the medium it is told.  The choices are general prose, screenplay, stage play, novel, short story, film, book, television, live theater, verbal, and other.


Identify whether this project represent either story creation or analysis.

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