Storyforms Remaining

The Storyforms Remaining numeric indicator shows how many possible storyforms remain.




The process of storyforming is to find the single "right" storyform that fits the story you have in mind.  As you make storyforming choices, in the story engine or elsewhere in Dramatica Pro, the number diminishes until you reach a single choice.

Unmaking storyforming choices increases the number of potential storyforms remaining.

As you make single choices--your Overall Story's Domain, for example--notice that the number of potential Storyforms Remaining decreases.

If you select a Character Dynamics choice (for example, Do-er as the Approach), the number of potential Storyforms decreases from the maximum of 32,768 to 16,384.

If you choose only a Thematic Choice (for example, Main Character Critical Flaw), the Storyforms Remaining immediately drops from 32,768 to 512.

Keep in mind that your goal is to reach the single Storyform which best reflects the story you want to tell. Each decrease in Storyforms Remaining is a step closer to your goal.


NOTE: Even though 32, 768 is a large number of possible storyforms, each storyform can be told in a nearly infinite number of ways.  The storytelling or illustrating process an author uses to express the meaning held in the underlying storyform provides the opportunity for each author to make that storyform into a unique story experience.

Created with Help & Manual 6 and styled with Premium Pack 2.0