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Movie Magic Screenwriter

Alias Text allows you to type an abbreviation of text—as few as two letters—and have Screenwriter automatically expand it to the full text for you.  The expanded text is formatted with its correct element format.

For example, you could enter “I.” as the Alias for “INT.” in the Initial Scene Text User List.  When you type “I.” on a blank line, followed by a space or appropriate punctuation, Screenwriter expands it to INT. for you and formats the element as Scene Heading.

Or, add the name “CAROL ANN” to the Character Name User List, assigning it an Alias of “CA”.  When you type “ca” followed by a space or appropriate punctuation, it's expanded to “Carol Ann” for you.  Type “CA” and the same capitalization is used, expanding it to “CAROL ANN” automatically.

NOTE:  To use Aliases for Character Names and Substitution Text you must have the option Spell Check as you Type & Edit checked.  To do this, go into the Tools menu, select Options, and click on the Spelling button.