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Movie Magic Screenwriter

Navigation: Movie Magic® Screenwriter 6.5 Help > Templates

Create a New Frile from a Template

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File > New From Template...

To create a new document based on a specific template, under the File menu, select New from Template...  An open dialog will appear where you can select from one of the following template folders:

Blank Templates—Choosing one of these templates will load only the margins and formatting settings but will not include any sample text or instructions.

Instructional Templates—Choosing one of these templates will load the margins and formatting settings and include instructional Notes and possibly some sample text.

TV Templates—Choosing one of these templates will load the margins and formatting settings for that TV show and any sample text.

NOTE:  when creating a new document from a template, instructional Notes or sample text will be inserted into the new document. These can be removed if desired.

Choose a template and press the OPEN button to create a new document using the chosen template styles.  Select Cancel to exit without creating a new document.