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Movie Magic Screenwriter

You can export from Screenwriter to another Microsoft® Windows® program on the same computer using Cut and Paste:


Open the Microsoft® Windows® program you want to export to.  Open a file to export to, or open a new file.


Open Screenwriter and open the document you want to export from.


Using the mouse, select the text to export.


Under the Edit menu, select Copy.


Go to the other Microsoft® Windows® program.


Under the Edit menu, select Paste.

All of Screenwriter’s formatting may not transfer, but you should at least be able to export all the text.  Be warned that not all Mac OS X word processing programs can handle Cut and Paste correctly.

NOTE:  For this method to work, the option Share Clipboard with Other Mac OS X Programs must be checked.  To check/uncheck it, go to the Misc page of Options… under the Tools menu.