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Movie Magic Screenwriter

There may be occasions when you want to combine two documents into one file, such as when two writing partners are writing different scenes of the same document.  To merge the documents:


Open the first document, the one you want to merge into.


Place the cursor at the position you want the second document to be added.  The new Pasted From text will appear after the Element the cursor is in.


Under the Edit menu, select Paste Special and then select Paste from...


At the menu of documents displayed, select the document to merge from.  Click Open to combine the two documents.

Screenwriter prompts you about how you'd like to format the incoming text.

The two documents are merged.

To Cancel the merge, close the merged file without saving it.

To keep a copy of the first file unchanged, save your merged file under a different name using Save As... under the File menu.

NOTE: If you merge a document that is tagged it will have squares on either side of the words that are tagged.  To correct this, simply go to the Production menu and click Breakdown.  In the cascading menu choose Tagging Mode.  It will reveal all tags.  Go back into the Production menu, through Breakdown, and click Tagging Mode again to turn it off.  This will hide all tags and cause the squares to disappear.