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Movie Magic Screenwriter

To end an Act, type "end of" at the beginning of any blank element.

Alternatively, press RETURN in a blank Action element.  Type “a” or select End of Act on the pop-up list.  A forced page break is entered, followed by the appropriate End of Act.

The appropriate End of Act is inserted, then a forced page break is entered, followed by the next consecutive Act Break element.

If you would like to change End of Act text to say something different you can change this line by  modifying the User Lists. (See User Lists )

NOTE:  Screenwriter inserts "End of Show" in your document only if you have specified the last act.  You set the last act by selecting Format>Element Styles... to open the Element Styles window, then click on the Act Breaks button.  At the center of this window, towards the bottom, is a field called End of Show Follows Act #.  Enter the number of the last Act in this field.