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Movie Magic Screenwriter

Screenwriter can export all your tagged breakdown items, for every scene, to a Screenwriter Export file (with the file extension .SEX.)  This file can be imported directly into Movie Magic Scheduling, EP Scheduling and Gorilla (by Jungle Software), where breakdown information is automatically transferred to Breakdown Sheets and Production Strips—enabling you to easily organize a production schedule and print strips for the Production Board.

To export:

Under the Production menu, select Breakdown then Movie Magic Scheduling Export....


The Export window displays, with a list of all your script's scene headings.  Choose which scenes to export using these options:

Selected Scenes Only—Clicking on individual scenes to select them for export, will select this radio button automatically.  Only the scenes you select will have breakdown information exported.

All Scenes—Exports breakdown information for all scenes in the script.  This is the default, and the radio button is automatically checked unless you select a scene heading by clicking on it.

All Scenes except OMITTEDs—Exports all scenes except those which have been deleted, and designated OMITTED in the script.  There is no breakdown information, apart from the scene number, to be exported for OMITTED scenes.  If the script contains no OMITTED scenes, this option is grayed-out and unselectable.  Click OK to export, Cancel to exit the menu without exporting.

If you click OK to start exporting, Screenwriter begins gathering breakdown data from each scene in the script.

When it's finished, you're prompted to enter a filename for the Export file.  The default is your script's filename, with the extension .SEX added instead of .MMSW.

Click on the Save button to create the export file.  A message box tells you that the export file was saved, and under what filename.