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Movie Magic Screenwriter

Parenthetical, also called a "wryly", indicates the way a line of dialogue is delivered or a gesture that does not need its own line of Action; typically used sparingly, if at all.

With the cursor anywhere in a Dialogue element, press Shift+9 (left parenthesis).

NOTE: if "Tab in Dialogue takes you to Parenthetical" is checked  under Tools > Options > Text Entry/Editing, press TAB.

A Parenthetical element is created at the cursor location.

If the cursor is at the beginning of a Dialogue element, the Parenthetical is placed between the Character Name and the Dialogue.


If the cursor is in the middle of a Dialogue element, the Dialogue is broken by the Parenthetical.


Type the Parenthetical text, and press RETURN.

The cursor moves to the Dialogue element following the Parenthetical.


Type a Left Parenthesis in Dialogue as Text

To type “(“ in Dialogue as text (instead of creating a Parenthetical element) press CTRL+Shift+9.