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Movie Magic Screenwriter


Breakdown Scene Selection screen—Enter the Production Company name and Production Title/No., and select which scene breakdowns to print:

Selected Scenes ONLY—If checked, only breakdowns for the scenes you select by clicking on them are printed.

All Scenes—If checked, breakdowns for all scenes in the script are printed.

All Scenes except OMITTEDs—If checked, breakdowns for all scenes except those deleted and marked with an OMITTED are printed.

Setup Breakdown Sheet—Clicking on this button displays the Breakdown Sheet Layout screen.  Category headings on the windows can be renamed by highlighting the name (CAST, STUNTS, etc.) and typing in your preferred name.  Categories of tagged items (Cast Members, Greenery, Vehicles, etc.) can be moved between Category windows by dragging and dropping.  Click on OK to exit and save your changes, Cancel to discard changes and exit.