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Movie Magic Screenwriter

Navigation: Movie MagicĀ® Screenwriter 6.5 Help

Running Movie Magic Screenwriter 6.5

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To run the program in Microsoft Windows simply double-click on the Movie Magic Screenwriter Icon.

Main Menu Bar - Movie Magic Screenwriter's Pull-Down menus can be accessed from the Main Menu Bar by single-clicking on any of the menu items or by pressing the corresponding <CMD> or <CTRL> keys.

Top Toolbar- the optional Top Toolbar has several Push buttons that allow quick access to frequently used program functions for editing and file management, the Current Element Window with Change Element drop-down menu, and the Right-Left Scroll Bar. The Top Toolbar--when visible--is located just under the Main Menu Bar.


Right Toolbar - has an Up-Down Scroll bar and Push buttons for Page Up/Down, and optionally has Element Buttons for element entry with the mouse.  The Right Toolbar is displayed at the right side of your screen.


The Status Bar - at the bottom of the window contains a Hint Line, [Insert/Typeover] Push Button, the current Line and Position of your cursor, and the current Page Number followed by the Total Number of Pages.