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Movie Magic Screenwriter

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New in Mac Screenwriter 6.5

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This 6.5 release, which is compatible with MacOS Sierra, includes new XML file formats for Movie Magic Screenwriter (.mmx files), and can import and export Final Draft XML (.fdx files).


Our revolutionary Streamline plug-in is now included.  Streamline can analyze your script and point to a prioritized list of specific edits that will result in shortening your script.


New, easier to use and more reliable license management -- compatible with Sierra (10.12) thru Mavericks (10.9).


This release also includes an entirely new spell checker, based on the Apple OS X spell checking system.  A completely updated Thesaurus feature has been added.


A new, more sophisticated Outline Report is now included.  Significant new features have been added to Find & Replace.  iPartner is now fixed for users of OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) through 10.12 (Sierra).


Lots of additional enhancements and bugs fixes.


New features, enhancements, and bug fixes in Movie Magic Screenwriter 6.5