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Movie Magic Screenwriter

You can easily go from element to element in Screenwriter by pressing just two keys—TAB and RETURN.  Your fingers need never leave the keyboard (unlike using a Control-key shortcut, or using the mouse) enabling you to stay in the flow of writing your document.

Based on the current Element, Screenwriter makes an informed guess as to what you would like to do next.  It places you in the logical next Element and pops up a menu of possible choices.  For example, if the cursor is located in a blank Character Name element and you press RETURN, a list of all the Character Names in your script pops up for your selection.

For Tab & Enter to work, QuickType must be enabled.  To turn QuickType on:


Under the Tools menu, select Options...


On the Options window, click on the QuickType tab.


Place a check mark in the Enable QuickType Entry box.


The following element instructions use the TAB & RETURN method with QuickType enabled.