Templates for Movie Magic Screenwriter
How do I install a template for Movie Magic Screenwriter 6?
How do I install a template for Movie Magic Screenwriter 2000 (v4)?
Choose the template for the correct version of Movie Magic Screenwriter that you have. A template for Movie Magic Screenwriter 6 will not work in Movie Magic Screenwriter 2000 (v4).
Quick Links
Click to download template for Movie Magic Screenwriter 4 (2000)
Click to download template for Movie Magic Screenwriter 6
Template not available
New Templates |
TV Templates |
Title |
v6 |
30 Rock |
Boardwalk Empire |
Castle |
Damages |
Flashpoint |
Grimm |
Hell on Wheels |
Homeland |
New Girl |
Parks and Recreation |
Dramatist Guild |
Title |
v6 (Blank) |
v6 (Instructional) |
Modern Stage Play |
Musical |
Traditional Stage Play |
Misc. |
Title |
v6 |
Hauge Structure Template |
Screenwriting 4 Money |
Choose a section
TV Templates |
Title |
v4 |
v6 |
# |
"24" |
··· |
3rd Rock from the Sun |
A – E |
Alias |
··· |
All of Us |
··· |
Ally McBeal |
Babylon 5 |
Battlestar Galactica |
··· |
Baywatch |
Bernie Mac Show, The |
··· |
Beverly Hills 90210 (original series) |
Boston Legal |
··· |
Boy Meets World |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer |
Caroline in the City |
Chicago Hope |
Cold Case |
··· |
Crossing Jordan |
··· |
Cybil |
Dawson's Creek |
Days of Our Lives |
Dead Zone, The |
Desperate Housewives |
··· |
Dharma & Greg |
Doctor Quinn |
Drawn Together |
··· |
Drew Carey Show |
Early Edition |
Ellen |
Entourage |
··· |
"ER" |
Everybody loves Raymond |
F – J |
Frasier |
Friends |
Ghost Whisperer |
··· |
Grace Under Fire |
Hercules |
Heroes |
··· |
Home Improvement |
Homicide |
House M.D. |
··· |
How I Met Your Mother |
··· |
Joan of Arcadia |
··· |
Just Shoot Me |
K – O |
King of the Hill |
La Femme Nikita |
Larry Sanders |
Law & Order |
Living Single |
Mad About You |
Malcolm in the Middle |
··· |
Melrose Place |
Men Behaving Badly |
Millennium |
Monk |
··· |
Murphy Brown |
My Big Fat Greek Life |
Nanny, The |
Nash Bridges |
New York Undercover |
News Radio |
NYPD Blue |
OC, The |
··· |
P – T |
Party of Five |
Promised Land |
Providence |
Queer as Folk |
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch |
Scrubs |
Simpsons, The |
Sliders |
Smart Guy |
South Park |
Spin City |
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine |
Star Trek: Voyager |
Style & Substance |
Suddenly Susan |
Touched by an Angel |
U – Z |
Unit, The |
Veronica's Closet |
Walker, Texas Ranger |
··· |
Without a Trace |
··· |
X Files, The |
Xena: Warrior Princess |
Young and the Restless, The |
 Document Templates |
Title |
v4 |
v6 (Blank) |
v6 (Instructional) |
BBC Screenplay |
··· |
BBC Screenplay for Television |
··· |
BBC TV Tape-Live Format |
··· |
BBC TV Three-Camera Format |
··· |
Classic Film Structure Outline |
··· |
··· |
Dark Horse Comic |
··· |
Generic Comic Book |
Gossett & Kayle Comic |
Novel |
(Built in) |
Radio Play |
··· |
Radio Show |
Screenplay |
Screenplay (Cole & Haag) |
··· |
··· |
Screenplay (Warner Brothers) |
··· |
··· |
Sitcom 1 |
(Built in) |
··· |
Sitcom 2 |
(Built in) |
··· |
Sitcom Structure |
··· |
··· |
Stage Play |
 Tutorial Templates |
Title |
v6 |
Creating an Outline |
Moving and Copying Outline Elements |
Promoting & Demoting (Outline) |
Selecting Multiple Elements (Outline) |