There are six commands in the Edit menu for finding and replacing text. The first five commands have options controlled in the Find & Replace window. The last command opens the Change Character Name window.
•Find —Displays the Search & Replace window, with the Replace parameters grayed out. Enter the text to Search for, and define the search parameters.
•Find Next —Searches for next instance that meets the same find criteria.
•Replace —Available only after a successful Find command. Replaces the current instance found text with the replacement text.
•Replace & Find Next —Displays the Search & Replace menu. Enter the text to Search for, the text to Replace it with, and define the Search & Replace parameters.
•Replace All —Available only after a successful Find command. Replaces ALL instances of the found text with the replacement text. This command does NOT ask for confirmation while replacing the text in the document.
•Change Character Name —Displays a Search & Replace menu, modified for Character Names only. The Search for: box contains a list of available Character Names to choose from. Choose one, enter the new Name in the Replace with: box, and define the Search & Replace parameters.